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Anawim Christian Community is a community church made up of the homeless and the mentally ill. Our main goal is to provide for people's needs (including the need to be a disciple of Jesus) where they are at. We don't feel that a person needs to be something different before they get the help they need. Our center is in Gresham OR, which is where we lead and organize day shelters and a worship service. We also have a community house in N. Portland where housing is being provided for a few people and opportunities for community worship. We are connected to ministries in SE Portland and St. Johns, where we distribute food and clothing. And finally, through the internet, we educate people from almost every country in the world about homelessness, mental illness and the Christian response to each.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Whoa, the patterns... the colors... it's just too much...

Library couch, floor and blanket.

Needles Parking

Solid Rock

And pretty mossy.  But pretty. 

Worn But Beloved

Mother/Daughter Team

Sam's Work Space:

Paloma's Work Space:

New Wine

Really, really new.  Like, not yet wine, it's so new. 

Mercy Gardening

Life doesn't grow without Mercy.

Meeting Place

Our spirituality is incomplete until we have new birth, death and life all meeting together.

Pic from the developing meditation garden. 

Kyrie Eleyson

Mercy comes into the darkness through the cross.

Morning Has Broken


A flower at the front of Sanctuary, weighed with rain drops. 

Dark Red Barn

Seems so ominous.  The Red Barn at Sanctuary.

Woven Together

The floor of the prayer room.

Spirit Room

This is the room in the Peace Prayer House dedicated to spending time with God alone. 


The stove in the Peace Prayer House.

Peace Prayer House Living Room

The Peace Prayer House.  Would you like to have a quiet place to pray in Gresham?  Contact Steve and we can set up a time for you.  Available for short overnight retreats as well as an hour here or there.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Dumpster Love

God loves dumpsters.  Dumpsters seem like such a waste, but in reality a dumpster can feed many people.  At Anawim, we invite folks to neatly and carefully select food out of our dumpster for their consumption.  We take leftover bread, veggies and other food, put it in the dumpster so it is fit for use.  As the leadership of Anawim are all dumpster divers ourselves, we know the benefit of a tidy dumpster.

Community Garden

These mounds of grass clippings, wood chips and sod are the beginnings of our community garden.  Now we have tomatoes, peppers, and other veggies planted.  Look for more pics to come!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Ann at the Metanoia Peace House just received her shirt from Anawim.  You could too!  Just contact Steve at and donate 25 dollars to Anawim and you can have a shirt just like hers!