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Anawim Christian Community is a community church made up of the homeless and the mentally ill. Our main goal is to provide for people's needs (including the need to be a disciple of Jesus) where they are at. We don't feel that a person needs to be something different before they get the help they need. Our center is in Gresham OR, which is where we lead and organize day shelters and a worship service. We also have a community house in N. Portland where housing is being provided for a few people and opportunities for community worship. We are connected to ministries in SE Portland and St. Johns, where we distribute food and clothing. And finally, through the internet, we educate people from almost every country in the world about homelessness, mental illness and the Christian response to each.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

"Mommy, What's an Anawim?"

This is an excerpt from  ACC's book: Anawim: Being a Big 'Ol Scary Biblical Theology Told Kindly Through Stories.  If you'd like a free pdf copy of the book, please contact us at  Or you can see the book published in sections at Anawim: A Biblical Theology Told In Stories

Are you an “anawim”? Take this quiz to find out:

1. You win the lottery and get a million dollars—what would you do with it?
a. Take a trip around the world
b. Pay off what you owe to others and give the rest away to those who also have needs.
c. Invest in your future
d. Get a big house for your family and a few others you know.

2.Would you ever find yourself homeless?
a. I’d never let myself get in such a position
b. Too late! I’ve already been there!
c. I try my best not to find myself that way
d. Who knows where God would lead me?

3. How important is money in your life?
a. How could anyone live without money?
b. Money is a useful tool, but I don’t really need it
c. I need more of it! Now!
d. I wish I didn’t need it, but it’s essential

4. How do you feel about our society?
a. The world has never failed me
b. I wish God would take it away and create a new one
c. It’s not perfect, but it’s the best society anyone could ask for
d. It is deeply wrong, but it can be fixed

5. How much suffering have you experienced?
a. I know what I’m doing—I’ve always avoided suffering
b. I’d love to start my life over
c. God’s always blessed me, I’ve never experienced that much suffering
d. I’ve had rocky roads, but God has helped me survive.

6. In times of difficulty, how would you describe your relationship to God?
a. God isn’t involved in my life.
b. I cry out to God until He helps me out.
c. I don’t pray much, but I know God is there.
d. I see God as my comfort.

7. What is the most important support in your life?
a. My regular check
b. My relationship with God
c. My family
d. My church

Answers at the end of this post.

We invent words all the time. Every sub-culture has its own vocabulary that no one else
understands. Some sub-culture words enter into the mainstream, such as “dis” or
“dysfunctional” or “anti-disestablishmentarianism”, but most words remain obscure to all but a
small segment of the population. English has the capacity of a million words, but we will
typically only use 20,000 on any kind of regular basis. Why so many words? We do this because
we have concepts that we use frequently, and so we invent new words (or import words from
other languages) that communicate succinctly what we want to say. After all, why say “the study
of the end times” every time that subject comes up, when you could just say “eschatology”?
(Which begs the question as to why the Russian language has reserved one of their most
difficult-to-pronounce words for “hello”).

In Hebrew there was an idea that was frequently used in Scripture, and supposedly in
everyday life, so that a new vocabulary word had to be invented. The idea went something like
this—“You see, there are these people, but they’re poor—or, well, most of them are
economically poor, but not all of them. Well, actually, they are rejected by modern society,
outcasts… well, not always outcast, but they aren’t in the mainstream, and they are looked down
on. And sometimes they’re just sick. Or attacked. Anyway, it seems like nobody likes them.
But they are righteous—um, well, righteous in a way, anyway. As a group they seem to sin a
lot—but they repent! Of their sin, that is. I mean, they really regret it and they do what they can
to stop the sin. But they pray a lot. Not to be holy, because these people aren’t holier-thanthou—
uh uh, no way. No, they pray because they need to ask God some pretty big requests.
Like for their basic survival. And to be delivered from their enemies. And for justice. And
instead of scrambling around working on every plan to get them out of their troubles—like that
would help, anyway—they depend on God. Yeah, that’s who they are.” That’s a mouthful.

So who are these folks, exactly? Let’s get organized:

A. They are vulnerable
They are in a place that they are exposed to difficulties. Perhaps they are a part of a social group
that is vulnerable, or they have chosen to expose themselves to a hard life. Whatever the case,
difficulties often come their way because they are unable to fully protect themselves.

B. They are oppressed
Because they are open to difficulties, there are some people who will take advantage of them.
So, at one point or another, the anawim experience theft, hatred, rejection, and sometimes

C. They have experienced poverty
They don’t have to be poor, even as the long-suffering Job was actually wealthy. But it is more
likely that the anawim will be poor, and they certainly have experienced poverty at one point or
another in their lives. The anawim don’t have to have a low income, but it is likely that they
don’t have much in their accounts at any given point.

D. They have experienced the failure of worldly systems
They, because of their vulnerable position, find themselves in a place where the world cannot
help them. The world doesn’t set up its system of help for these kinds of folks, and if the world
does help a little, it is not enough to pull them out of their difficulty. The anawim has found that
they can’t depend on their governments, their families or their religious groups.

E. They depend on God
Because the world can’t (or won’t) help them, they have found that the only one who will be
there for them is God. And God has truly been there for them. They have still suffered deeply,
but God has helped them survive in surprising ways.

F. They live for God
Out of gratitude, they try their best to live for God. They may not look or act like saints all the
time, but they are doing their best to live a right life before God. And because they have
experienced oppression and poverty, they will try to never cause another to experience such
things, but do their best to be merciful.

In sum, these folks are the poor or outcast who depend on God for their deliverance.
“Deliverance” doesn’t mean some spiritual transformation, but it means that you’re in trouble
and you need to get out of it. So the Hebrews had this idea, and because they didn’t like the
option of saying “outcast who depend on the Lord for deliverance” every time they used the
concept, they shortened it. The word is anawim. (This word will no longer be italicized for
convenience’s sake. My convenience, that is.)

We’re going to be talking about them for a while, here. But you probably already got that idea.
The word is used a lot in the Hebrew Scriptures. The root of it is used some 116
verses. It is translated as “poor” or “needy” or “afflicted”. And when the New Testament (in
Greek) uses the words “poor” or “meek” or “humble” they are referring to this concept. Forms
of these Greek words are used in the Greek Bible (Old and New Testaments) in some 329
verses.24 Anyway, you get the idea. It’s a busy word. This is no small idea in the Bible.
On occasion you might hear about this idea. In English theology you might hear the
phrase “righteous poor” flitting about. But it is never covered as a major theme in theology. Nor
is it often mentioned by preachers, teachers, Bible Schools and their ilk. They’d rather talk about
the other major words of the Bible, such as “grace” (277 verses OT and NT use that word),
“predestination” (6 verses), or, “Trinity” (0 verses). But Jesus used this concept quite frequently.
It was very important for his theology.

Let’s see the answers to the quiz!

If most of your answers are “a”:
You aren’t one of the Anawim at all. You are self-reliant, and it’s pretty much worked out for
you. However, God’s word warns that you will be heading for a fall—get ready for it!

If most of your answers are “b”:
You are Anawim! You have suffered much in your life and looked to God for help. Perhaps
sometimes He helped you, and sometimes He didn’t do as much as you wanted—But God’s
promise is that you will have another chance at life to make up for this sucky one!

If most of your answers are “c”:
You aren’t really anawim. You’ve had some difficulties in your life, perhaps, but not enough that
you’ve really had to desperately seek God. Again, difficulties will come—get your relationship
with God in a place that will prepare you for that coming trial!

If most of your answers are “d”:
You are really close to being anawim. You’ve had some difficulties, and you want to do what is
right before God. But God alone—not the church, not your job, not your family—is the answer
to the problems in your life. Depend only on Him and He will deliver you in times of trouble.

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